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Finance Overview

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finance overview tasks

Finance Overview is a showcase of all logged project timesheets together including project expenses.

  • Logged Hours – Shows total logged project hours Billable and Non-Billable
  • Billable Hours – Shows total billable hours – All time
  • Billed Hours – Shows total invoiced hours.
  • Unbillable Hours – Shows total unbilled hours. Ex. This means that the project has 3 unbilled hours from the last project invoice (If any).


The total values are calculated based on the Billing Type


Example billing type Project Hours

finance overview billing hours

The project has logged a total of 3 hours and the Rate per hour in project settings is set 40$ the calculation will go like this:

40$ x 3 = Total 120$

Example billing type Task Hours

The total per hour, in this case, is taken from the task Total Per Hour


Fix firefox bug – Total per hour is 25$

Create a new table in the database – Total Per hour is 40$

Task 1 (Fix firefox bug) has logged 1 hour and Task 2 (Create a new table in database) has logged 2 hours.

The calculation goes like this:

25$ x 1 hour (Task 1 – Fix firefox bug)

40$ x 2 hours (Task 2 – Create a new table in database)

Equal to 105$

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