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New Customer

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Login to the dashboard click customers and on the left side, there is a button New Customer.

  • Permissions – What permission this customer will have in the customers portal. Ex if you turn off the support system the customer won’t be able to use the support system. While in the piping will be able to use it.
  • Billing & Shipping – This information is used for invoices/estimates. If your customer has a different shipping address for the invoice you will need to populate also the shipping fields which will be also auto included when creating a new invoice.
  • Advanced Options – As advanced options are listed several fields.
    • Groups – Sort your customer into the group after that you will be able also to generate reports by groups and see which customer groups are the most valuable.
    • Currency – If this currency is not the system default currency when you add an estimate/invoice and select the customer the currency will be auto changed regarding what is selected in this field. NOTE: You won’t be able to change the custom currency if there are transactions found.
    • Language – If you have multiple languages you can easily change the customer language. So when the customer will log in and have set up a different language then the system default everything will be translated based on your translation for this language.
    • By default, all customer PDF data generated from the admin area are generated in the system default language. If you want to generate in the customer language you can easily goto Setup->Settings->Localization and set Output client PDF documents from admin area in client language to Yes

Fill in all the necessary data and click save.
You can also choose if you want to send the Welcome client email template which is configured in Settings Menu -> Email Templates in the clients part.

Now your client can log in in the client’s area from the URL

You can add new customers very quickly from the Quick Insert button on the top-left dashboard menu.

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